red-hipped squirrel câu
red squirrel
A red squirrel darting along in Kielder Forest, Northumberland.Chú sóc đỏ nhảy qua vách đá ở rừng Kielder, Northumberland. Hope we see...

He was hipped to the frame by Major Crimes.Chính tổ trọng án cho cậu ta biết về việc gài bẫy. The hipped roof looks like Gramma’s hous...

Even a blind squirrel finds an occasional testicle, doesn't he?Ngay cả một con sóc bị mù còn tìm thấy một cái "hòn bi". You're that be...

hipped roof
The hipped roof looks like Gramma’s house.Đứa lớn chê noi màu purple looks like gramma’s house.. Local specific site requirements allo...

The first subject wandered in at around noon—a scruffy, swivel-hipped young redhead named Daniel Maiden-Wood, who played drums for the ...

antelope squirrel
To further help prevent predation, the Nelson's antelope squirrel has an alarm call.Để tiếp tục giúp ngăn chặn sự săn mồi, sóc linh dươ...

black squirrel
A black squirrel was chasing it in a most amorous way.Có con đuổi theo chiếc lá một cách rất đa tình. The black squirrel is the city's...

flying squirrel
At the Flying Squirrel, you’re in good company.Với xà bông Sabian, bạn đang ở trong một công ty tốt. In North America, the main reserv...

fox squirrel
The area is also home to the rare Delmarva Peninsula fox squirrel, only recently removed from the endangered species list.Khu vực này c...

ground squirrel
"Survival and home range in the Nelson antelope ground squirrel"."Sống sót và phạm vi nhà trong con sóc linh dương mặt đất Nelson". Th...

japanese squirrel
The Japanese squirrel is a threatened species, and has completely disappeared on the island of Kyūshū.Tại Nhật Bản, loài sóc được xếp v...

pine squirrel
E-16 So while I was standing there, I noticed I must've excited a little old pine squirrel.E-16 Vậy là trong khi đứng đó, tôi để ý mình...

rock squirrel
The most dangerous animal in the park is the rock squirrel.Động vật nguy hiểm nhất trong công viên là sóc đá. “The most dangerous anim...

squirrel cage
The motor used to drive the pump is typically a three phase, squirrel cage induction motor, with a nameplate power rating in the range ...

squirrel monkey
Reforestation for the endemic squirrel monkey of Panama and Costa RicaTái trồng rừng cho khỉ sóc đặc hữu của Panama và Costa Rica ) an...

tree squirrel
In Walt Disney's Bambi, he did the voice of a tree squirrel.Trong Bambi của Walt Disney, Erwin đã lồng tiếng nói của một con sóc cây. ...

be in the red
To be in the red means not to be making enough money to cover expenses.To be in the red Không có đủ tiền để bù vào khoản đã chi ra To b...

in the red
Anyway, Tallulah left her SpongeBob blanket in the red casita.Tallulah bỏ quên khăn bông của cô ấy trong chiếc xe đỏ He's a fella been...

As my mother used to say, "It's a red hot mess."Như mẹ tôi thường nói, "Một đống hỗn độn đẫm máu". Mr. Red, given the severity of the ...

the red
Give it to that little dyke Marcy with the red hair, okay?Đưa cái này cho con quỷ nhỏ tóc đỏ Marcy, được không? Yep. You can always te...

to be in the red
To be in the red means not to be making enough money to cover expenses.To be in the red Không có đủ tiền để bù vào khoản đã chi ra To b...

black giant squirrel
The black giant squirrel rarely enters plantations or settlements, preferring the wild forest.Sóc lớn nâu bạc hiếm khi vào các đồn điền...

central american squirrel monkey
Until 1984, all South American squirrel monkeys were generally considered part of a single widespread species, and many zoologists cons...

common squirrel monkey
The common squirrel monkey is captured for the pet trade and for medical research but it is not threatened.Khỉ sóc thông thường bị bắt ...

cream-coloured giant squirrel
Unlike other tree squirrels, the cream-coloured giant squirrel does not sit upright with its tail arched over its back while feeding; i...